Engage your utility customers through relevant experiences

How width can help utility companies accelerate and improve customer experiences through enhanced self-service capabilities.

Better energy and utilities industry solutions

It’s a whole new world for energy and utilities providers. Your customers are demanding more from the power and utilities industry. It’s not enough for you to just process bills and collect fees. Customers expect an interactive relationship, one that includes real-time issue resolution and communication with field crews. That means breaking down the internal silos that prevent a complete view of customer information and using technology to create a culture that serves your customers. From personalized service to smart, connected energy infrastructure, digital utility technology solutions are redefining the nature of your business and transforming how you engage customers, manage assets and empower employees.

Deliver benefits for your customers

PacificLight Energy now has the necessary IT system in place to support our primary objective to provide our customers with flexible pricing plans that meet their needs along with first-class customer service. width has helped to make this happen by ensuring the deployment was done on time and within budget.

Don’t forget your workforce

The current wave of downsizing and retirements in the industry gives energy and utilities producers an additional reason to turn to technology and IT services for the energy industry. It can be key to attracting and supporting a modern workforce, providing employees with the necessary tools to gain the right insights at the right time on the right device using an ERP digital transformation platform.

The right expertise to deliver success


We have partnerships with key providers of industry-specific digital tools, including leading billing solution MECOMS.


We implemented mobile solutions, web services and enterprise portals for 5,000 employees at one utility.


We processed over 1 million smart grid customer inquiries for a single utility.


We have a Global network of digital innovation studios


We implement the latest Microsoft operating system and server technologies for renewables providers.

Next steps

Find out more about how our solutions can accelerate your business transformation and innovation.

Our goal is to ensure that our clients are making good I.T. decisions, and are realising business value from their I.T. investments.

  • Reach Us
  • Email: info@widthtechnologies.com
  • Nigeria: +234 802 872 1406

  • Kenya: +254 702 754 393

  • Lagos - The Waterside, 5 Admiralty Road, off Admiralty Way, Lekki Lagos

  • Nairobi : 7 School Lane Westlands Nairobi

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